Aromatherapy during pregnancy
The use of essential oils during pregnancy, birth and postnatally is increasing as we become more aware of how this complementary therapy can support us.
Aromatherapy is a way of accessing and applying the therapeutic benefits of plants by using the essential oil extracted from them (usually by way of distillation). Aromatherapy is more concentrated than traditional herbal medicine and can be used in baths, compresses, vaporisers, inhalation and massage.
Aromatherapy, in a hospital environment, can lead to reduced use of opioid analgesia*, less need for augmentation (medical stimulation of contractions), and a higher satisfaction rate in the care received.
Using essential oils is useful in helping us to relax, this in turn helps promote a physiological birth.
There are many of the birthly team that are trained in aromatherapy – check them out here
Many birth centres are now using oils in their birth units, if this is something that you are interested in be sure to add to your birth preferences and speak to your midwife.
Although essential oils are safe to use, please make sure that you ask a professional for advice on oils that are safe and those that are contraindicated during pregnancy and birth.