Placenta Essence

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Information kindly provided by the Placenta Apothecary written by Jaime Shapiro and Kristina Wingeier

An essence is exactly that, it is the essence, the intrinsic nature, the soul, the fundamental quality of a particular person, place, or substance. The essence of your placenta holds a tremendous power to heal you and your child. An essence heals on an energetic or vibrational level, stimulating our vital force.

EssenceHow to Make a Placenta Essence:  a similar process to making a flower essence is used.

  1. A section of the raw placenta is tinctured in distilled water, not deionised water.
  2. Steep (allow rest) for about 4 hours in a well sun-lit room.
  3. The placenta is strained off using cotton wool or clean and unbleached coffee filter and a funnel into a clean amber glass bottle.
  4. To the strained fluid add enough drinking alcohol (vodka or brandy) to create half alcohol/half placenta water.
  5. This creates a long-lasting, pure placenta “mother” essence with a variety of uses.
  6. Store large amount in a bottle in a cool, dark place, keep a small amount in a dropper bottle for everyday use.

Dosage: It can be used during times of transition, illness, stress, emotional upheaval or hormonal imbalance. Suggested dosage is 1-4 drops in water. Store in a cool dry place, placenta essence should last indefinitely.

Photo kindly provided by Laura Dempsey

Placenta ‘Mother’ Essence may:

  • stimulate the ‘vital force’
  • help in times of distress, imbalance
  • give energy and strength when ill
  • keep indefinitely if stored properly


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